Alligator Candy
This true-crime series follows the mysterious 1973 disappearance of writer and producer David Kushner’s older brother, Jon, who at 11 years old biked through a suburban Florida forest to the convenience store for candy, and never returned. Decades later, now an accomplished journalist and author, Kushner noticed the holes in his memory of this tragedy and decided to revisit the mystery through the eyes of a reporter. The series is produced by UCP Audio, David Kushner, Emmy Rossum, via her Composition 8 production banner and Transmitter Media.
Managing Producer: Lacy Roberts
Senior Producers: James T. Green & Alex Sujong Laughlin
Executive Editor: Sara Nics
Executive Producer: Gretta Cohn
Sound Design: James T. Green & Eli Cohn at Nocturnal Sound
Mix Engineer: Rick Kwan